Town of Babylon Carlls River Project

Land Surveying »

Location: Town of Babylon, NY
Client: D&B Engineers
Completion Date: On-Going

As a sub-consultant to D&B, TSPE is providing land surveying and subsurface utility mark out services for the Town of Babylon, Carlls River Project for SCDPW. SCDPW is seeking to conduct an engineering study to analyze, prioritize and evaluate potential infrastructure improvements along the Carlls River in order to reduce flooding in communities adjacent to the river corridor as identified in the Village of Babylon/West Babylon NY Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) Plan. Contracted to produce drawings depicting basic cross sections of the Carlls river channel (i.e. top of bank, bottom of bank, and thalweg together with sufficient overbank details to verify the typical channel dimensions from north of Elda Lake to South Argyle Lake at approximately every 200 feet. Horizontal and vertical controls were established utilizing redundant RTK GPS observations (at least three) on each control point. Channel sections were measured by conventional traverse and side-shot techniques.