Roadway Rehabilitation: Tuckahoe Road (CR 36 & CR59)

Roadway Rehabilitation: Tuckahoe Road (CR 36 & CR59)

Land Surveying »

Location: City of Yonkers, New York
Client: Westchester County Department of Public Works
Completion Date: On-Going

TSPE, as Prime, in association with our sub-consultant KS Engineers, has been selected to develop complete construction contract documents, provide land surveying and construction inspection services, associated with the rehabilitation of Tuckahoe Road, CR 36 and CR 59, from Parkview Avenue to the southbound I-87 entrance ramp, a total distance of approximately 1.74 miles. The rehabilitation work will include: milling existing pavement; filling and sealing joints and cracks; full depth pavement repairs; adjusting castings and utility structure; repairing catch basins; replacing all existing inlet frames and grates; curb repair and replacement; replacing driveway aprons as required; replacing/upgrading traffic signal detection; guiderail replacement; installing ADA sidewalk ramps; addressing drainage issues and roadside safety; replacing MUTCD signage as required; installing off-road passenger waiting pads or bus shelter pads at bus stop areas; resurfacing roadway with asphalt; and installing pavement markings.

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Fire Island to Montauk Point (FIMP) Project, Contract 3

Land Surveying »

Location: East Hampton, NY
Client: Town of East Hampton
Completion Date: On-Going

As Prime, TSPE has been awarded this land surveying contract to provide topographic & boundary surveys of 19 affected properties and creation of easements and legal descriptions needed to implement beach replenishment and potential dune construction along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline in the eastern downtown area of Montauk (FIMP – Contract 3). For the initial phase of construction, surveys and written descriptions will be required for each of the 19 resultant perpetual storm damage easements. The reference line of the Dune Easement that will be used to develop the easement was created by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. TSPE will be responsible to develop and determine the meets and bounds of the dune easement within each parcel by reconciling that reference line with current topographic conditions. TSPE will provide surveys, descriptions, and incidental documentation of some of the properties along the proposed easement boundary line for the FIMP project within this phase of work. The surveys and incidental documentation are needed so that the Town can complete appraisals and easement acquisitions in order to establish the perpetual storm damage easements.

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Town of Babylon Carlls River Project

Town of Babylon Carlls River Project

Land Surveying »

Location: Town of Babylon, NY
Client: D&B Engineers
Completion Date: On-Going

As a sub-consultant to D&B, TSPE is providing land surveying and subsurface utility mark out services for the Town of Babylon, Carlls River Project for SCDPW. SCDPW is seeking to conduct an engineering study to analyze, prioritize and evaluate potential infrastructure improvements along the Carlls River in order to reduce flooding in communities adjacent to the river corridor as identified in the Village of Babylon/West Babylon NY Rising Community Reconstruction (NYRCR) Plan. Contracted to produce drawings depicting basic cross sections of the Carlls river channel (i.e. top of bank, bottom of bank, and thalweg together with sufficient overbank details to verify the typical channel dimensions from north of Elda Lake to South Argyle Lake at approximately every 200 feet. Horizontal and vertical controls were established utilizing redundant RTK GPS observations (at least three) on each control point. Channel sections were measured by conventional traverse and side-shot techniques.

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Sag Harbor Sewer Service Expansion

Land Surveying »

Location: Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, NY
Client: Village of Sag Harbor / Cameron Engineering
Completion Date: September 2022

As a sub-consultant to Cameron Engineering, TSPE is providing topographic surveying services for the design of new sanitary sewer systems in the Village of Sag Harbor, in Suffolk County, New York. TSPE’s survey incorporated over 7000 linear feet of village right-of-way, as well as 44 private parcels. TSPE’s survey included all topographic surface data within and 25’ feet beyond the width of all public rights-of-way, subsurface utility mark-out & hardware, as well as sewer and drainage lines. TSPE also inventoried all sewer & drainage structure information, including materials, conditions and invert information. TSPE field crews also recovered boundary evidence of record in order to establish all rights-of-way, easements and property lines / individual parcels within 25’ feet of roadway centerline.

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Bayswater Point State Park

Land Surveying »

Location: Queens, New York
Client: New York State Parks / Cameron Engineering
Completion Date: July 2022

Task Order 01: As a sub-consultant to Cameron Engineering, TSPE provided a boundary & topographic survey for two areas of Bayswater Point State Park in support of the design of a new water line connection. TSPE field crews collected all boundary evidence, topographic & subsurface utility data as required by the client. All topographic and planimetric features necessary for the design were collected and mapped. The boundary retracement survey for the park property entailed our technicians compiling 2 final section maps and 6 alteration maps from Queensborough Presidents office, as well record surveys of the park and adjacent parcels. Park boundary lines, city right-of-way, and proposed city street widenings were all reconciled with field collected evidence and mapped on our final survey plans.

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Reconstruction of Allen & Pike Street Malls

Land Surveying »

Location: Manhattan, NY
Client: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation / MKW + Associates
Completion Date: December 2023

MKW + Associates was selected to provide landscape architectural design services for The Reconstruction of Allen and Pike Street Malls, Phase 2. As a sub-consultant, TSPE provided land surveying services for this project is in the lower east side of Manhattan. The project includes a base survey area, and two alternate areas which NYC Parks is considering adding to the project.

The survey area included the center malls, adjacent roads, top of curb across from the malls, approximately 3’ of sidewalk area across from the malls and full intersections including ADA ramps. Surveys were full above and below ground surveys including trees, all utilities, and traffic control infrastructure

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TD CSS Rehabilitation of Bridge over Dam over North End Clove Lake

Land Surveying »

Location: Borough of Staten Island
Client: New York City Department of Transportation
Completion Date: May 2022

As a sub-consultant to IH Engineers, TSPE is providing surveying staff for this bridge project. This bridge is situated in a remote location within the confines of a city park and green space area. Its use as a pedestrian-bicycle bridge and its location isolates it from further residential and traffic consideration. The scope of this proposal shall address only to the bridge structure and its effects. Our scope includes: Horizontal and Vertical Control; Topographic Survey; Base Mapping; Utility Survey; Tree Survey; and Drainage Survey.

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Requirements Contract for Surveying for Various Capital Improvements

Land Surveying »

Location: New York City
Client: New York City Department of Design & Construction
Completion Date: On-Going

As a sub-consultant to KS Engineers, TSPE is providing surveying staff for SENCWSRV3, Requirements Contract for Surveying for Various Capital Improvements. TSPE will assist in the preparation of topographic/property line/BMP maps; acquisition maps; topographical and utility maps; highway and/or sewer and water main surveys, etc, as needed for the duration of the contract.

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Beech Street Corridor

Land Surveying »

Location: Atlantic Beach, NY
Client: NCDPW / Cameron Engineering
Completion Date: On-Going

As a sub-consultant to Cameron Engineering, TSPE provided surveying services for the ¾ mile stretch of roadway in Nassau County. TSPE provided land surveying & mapping services as well as subsurface utility mark-out services for approximately 6000 linear feet of roadway. Our subsurface team designation and mapped all underground utilities, drainage lines and sanitary lines. Our land surveying team prepared a topographic survey and right-of-way/boundary retracement survey, encompassing all surface features within the right-of-way and 50’ beyond it’s limits. Data collection was accomplished via conventional survey methods paired with LiDAR scanning.

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Atlantic Beach Fire Rescue Building Resilience & Hardening

Land Surveying »

Location: Atlantic Beach, Town of Hempstead
Client: Town of Hempstead
Completion Date: 2018

As a sub-consultant to Nelson & Pope, TSPE provided land surveying services at the Atlantic Beach Fire Rescue Building located on Rescue Road in Atlantic Beach.

The survey included building footprint and first floor elevations at all pedestrian and overhead doors; elevations up to 10’ around the building; top of bulkhead; mean high water at bulkhead; floating dock and boat lift pilings – top elevation. All elevations were NAVD-88.

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